Here's a link to episode 5 in the reality web series 'Off Season' by
Generate L.A. for MSN - the story of mixed martial arts fighter Mike Pyle working for a day at
Bootlegger's Brewery - a career move he has an interest in after someday retiring from the ring:
MMA fighter Mike Pyle visits Bootlegger's Brewery. |
While the episode is not exactly about home brewing, it does give a very basic overview of a commercial scale brew process. MIll the malt, steep the mash, boil the wort, add hops, ferment, serve. The folks at Generate made a story that is quite fun.
My part as MSN's Executive Producer in the project is one of being a guide to the Producer and Editor in post. They create a rough cut edit which I review and gather comments on from trusted eyes on my team. Together we add and remove bits that help fit the whole story into a target three minute length, hoping the finished product will be the best possible telling in a short amount of time.